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Student Choirs

Reflections ensemble

Rehearsals: Sundays @ 4:00 PM  |  Roper choir suite
CHOIR TOUR: March 19-23, 2025  |  Savannah, GA

For students in the 10th through 12th grades.

The Reflections Ensemble is an auditioned group of students who are members of First Baptist and who are committed members of One Voice Choir. The Reflections Ensemble provides special music throughout the year for morning and evening worship services. In addition, they travel on a choir tour during spring break.

One Heart Choir

Rehearsals: Sundays @ 5:00 PM  |  stakely choir suite
Choir Tour: June 9-13, 2025  |  Tennessee

For students in the 7th & 8th grades.

The One Heart Choir unites to share Christ through music each week. This exciting choir has regular worship leading responsibilities on Sunday evenings and does outreach projects throughout the year, culminated with a music and missions tour in June. This is a great time to develop new friends and to define who you are as a Christian.

One Voice Choir

Rehearsals: Sundays @ 5:00 PM  |  Roper choir suite
Choir Tour: June 7-14, 2025  |  Dallas, Texas

For students in the 9th through 12th grades.

The One Voice Choir gives students an opportunity to grow spiritually through music. They sing regularly at the evening worship service. The year concludes with a Choir Tour/Mission Trip in June. Anyone is invited to participate and there are no auditions, however regular attendance is required and encouraged for tour participation.


Minister of Music + Worship

Brad Brand

Music Assistant

Greg Steele

Church Pianist / Director of Children's Choirs / Handbell Director

Jenny Renner

Minister of Music + Worship

Brad Brand

Hometown: West Point, MS
Education: Bachelor of Music Education from Mississippi State University // Masters of Music in Church Music from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary // Doctor of Educational Ministry from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ministry Preparation: Minister of Music at Faith Baptist Church in West Point, Mississippi from 2008-2010 // Music and Worship Intern at First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas from 2011-2014 // Minister of Music at Park Place Baptist Church in Pearl, Mississippi from 2014 – 2022.
Family: Bethany (married in 2014), Avery, and Charlee Grace
Life Verse/Favorite Scripture: Psalm 115:1
Fun Fact: I love golf and anything Mississippi State!

Music Assistant

Greg Steele

Church Pianist / Director of Children's Choirs / Handbell Director

Jenny Renner