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Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.

Music Opportunities

First Baptist Montgomery uses the universal language of music to express praise and deep gratitude to God.

We have a place for you to get involved in our Music Ministry, so join us today!

Sanctuary Choir

Wednesdays @ 6:35 PM

Roper Choir Suite

The Sanctuary Choir is at the forefront of our worship services. This dedicated group offers their time and talents each week leading worship on Sundays. Everyone is invited to participate! You do not have to audition to be a member of the Sanctuary Choir. Childcare is provided during rehearsals. 

Sanctuary Orchestra

Wednesdays @ 5:30 PM

Main Sanctuary

The Sanctuary Orchestra is comprised of a diverse group of musicians who have a heart to worship the Lord through instrumental music. In addition to providing worship leadership during the Sunday morning services, the orchestra plays in special services and concerts throughout the year.  

The JOY Singers

Mondays @ 10:00 AM

Room 347

You must determine whether or not you are a senior adult. Annually, this choir leads in worship on Senior Adult Sunday as well as special events like the Memorial Day Service and the Advent Service. There is no audition required and you will receive a huge blessing by becoming a member of this group.

Ichthus Ensemble

Wednesdays @ 8:00 PM

Roper Choir Suite

This ensemble is an auditioned group of adult vocalists. Ichthus provides special music as needed for seasonal and quarterly services. These are talented musicians who desire to spend a little more time in rehearsal to make a beautiful offering to God.

Sundays @ 5:00 PM

Stakely Choir Suite & Roper Choir Suite

The Student Choirs are comprised of the One Heart Choir for 7th & 8th grade students and the One Voice Choir for 9th-12th grade students. There is also an ensemble for 10th-12th grade students. Both choirs participate in a Choir/Mission Tour.

Sanctuary Handbells

Mondays @ 5:15 PM

Prayer Room

The Sanctuary Handbells are comprised of musicians who excel in sight-reading music and learning the techniques of handbell ringing. They provide seasonal offerings throughout the year. All materials and instructions are provided.

Wednesdays @ 6:00 PM

Various Rooms

We believe that children should be given the opportunity to be involved in an organized program of Christian music as early as possible. God is at the center of all that we do as we encourage young people to praise Him with their whole heart.

The Praise Team

Sundays @ 4:00 PM

Main Sanctuary

The Praise Team provides congregational leadership throughout the year. Team members may play guitar, bass, drums, Cajon, Djembe, keyboards, piano, or any myriad of other instruments. An audition may be required. 

Wednesdays @ 6:35 PM

Roper Choir Suite

The Living Christmas Tree has been a Montgomery tradition for nearly four decades. This program is offered to anyone who desires to participate by attending regular Wednesday rehearsals from September to December. No audition required.

Music Ministry Contacts

Minister of Music + Worship

Brad Brand

Melanie Hudson
Ministry Assistant

Melanie Hudson

Church Organist

Joy Brown

Church Pianist / Director of Children's Choirs / Handbell Director

Jenny Renner

Music Assistant

Greg Steele

Minister of Music + Worship

Brad Brand

Hometown: West Point, MS
Education: Bachelor of Music Education from Mississippi State University // Masters of Music in Church Music from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary // Doctor of Educational Ministry from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ministry Preparation: Minister of Music at Faith Baptist Church in West Point, Mississippi from 2008-2010 // Music and Worship Intern at First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas from 2011-2014 // Minister of Music at Park Place Baptist Church in Pearl, Mississippi from 2014 – 2022.
Family: Bethany (married in 2014), Avery, and Charlee Grace
Life Verse/Favorite Scripture: Psalm 115:1
Fun Fact: I love golf and anything Mississippi State!

Ministry Assistant

Melanie Hudson

Church Organist

Joy Brown

Church Pianist / Director of Children's Choirs / Handbell Director

Jenny Renner

Music Assistant

Greg Steele