First Family Supper
5:00 to 5:50 PM | Fellowship Hall
Tutoring Program
5:15 PM | Bell Chapel, 5th + 6th Floors
Sanctuary Orchestra Rehearsal
5:45 PM | Main Sanctuary
First Family Prayer Time
6:00 PM | Fellowship Hall
Preschool + Children’s Choirs
6:00 PM | Various
Children will learn spiritual truths while singing, playing games, moving to music, and playing instruments. We commit to loving and caring for your children, and will strive to lead them to a closer relationship with Jesus this choir year!
3-year-olds: B108
4-year-olds: B104
5-year-olds: B109
1st + 2nd grades: B314
3rd-6th grades: A311
Homegrown: Cultivating Kids in the Fruit of the Spirit
6:00 PM | B402
Raising great kids is less about our own parenting skills and more about God’s power. When the Holy Spirit lives through us, we model the fruit of the Spirit for our children. In this study you’ll discover the fruit of the Spirit in the context of your parenting, learn how to cultivate growth in your children, and explore practical ways to live out the fruit of the Spirit together.
Facilitated by Troy & Celia Teel and Billy & Camilla Irvin
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
6:45 PM | Stakely Sanctuary
6:45 PM | Student Center