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Week of Prayer for International Missions

November 27 through December 4

FBC Goal: $260,000


The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is an annual offering collected by believers around the world to support international missions. The offering was officially named in 1918 by Woman’s Missionary Union in honor of the missionary to China who urged churches to start it and give sacrificially.

This offering is unique from other mission offerings in that 100% of gifts provide for missionaries all over the world. It is a valuable part of Southern Baptists’ 176-year history of reaching the nations with the gospel and vital to reaching the vision of a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 7:9).

Week of Prayer for International Missions

Day 1 // Sunday, November 27
God's purpose to conquer lostness


  • Pray for Southern Baptists to be faithful to support our missionaries by praying, giving, going and sending.
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower each of IMB’s 3500+ missionaries to faithfully share the gospel with unreached people.

Day 2 // Monday, November 28
God's Reach through Healthcare


  • Pray for medical missionaries around the world who give their time and skills to serve others.
  • Pray that God would use the conversations that happen in medical settings to not only bring physical healing, but also spiritual rebirth.

Day 3 // Tuesday, NOVEMBER 29
God's Ministry through students


  • Pray for the Lord to help Southern Baptists see the long-term value of their short-term commitment to serve overseas.
  • Pray for more churches in the US to partner with IMB missionaries who live in hard to reach places.

Day 4 // Wednesday, November 30
God's Healing among refugees


  • Pray for God’s healing among refugees affected by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
  • Pray for more believers to meet the physical needs of Ukrainian refugees and show the love of Christ through their generosity.

Day 5 // Thursday, December 1
God's influence in global cities


  • Pray for God to give IMB missionaries and local believers in global cities wisdom and discernment as they engage with others.
  • Pray for the faithfulness of believers to bring the gospel to the lost in cities around us.

Day 6 // Friday, December 2
God's Impact among the diaspora


  • Pray for new believers to continue to learn more about the Lord and be equipped to share with others.
  • Pray for American churches to share the gospel with the unreached people groups living in their communities.

Day 7 // Saturday, December 3
God's work through global missionary partners


  • Pray for the ministries of our global missionary partners.
  • Pray for more believers around the world to serve in international missions.

Day 8 // Sunday, December 4
God's Redemption through Discipleship


  • Praise God that many came to know Him, even during the shutdowns that happened because of COVID-19.
  • Pray for the 27 families who meet together in this area of South Asia to continue to grow in their gospel knowledge.