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Click here to reserve tickets online for the 2024 LCT.


Monday - Friday
December 2 - December 6
11 AM to 1 PM


LCT Ticket Office
(334) 241-5156


LCT Ticket Office
305 South Perry Street
Montgomery, AL 36104


To order group tickets, click here.  For more information about group orders, please click here.

The Living Christmas Tree has been presented each year since 1981. The sights and sounds of Christmas will fill our sanctuary once again as the choir and orchestra present the 43rd Living Christmas Tree. Our goal with this beautiful, Christ-honoring tradition is to focus solely on the Gospel. In a unique way, we want to share the love of Jesus with the lost in our community.


The sights and sounds of Christmas will fill our sanctuary once again as the choir and orchestra present the 42nd Living Christmas Tree. Our goal with this beautiful, Christ-honoring tradition is to focus solely on the Gospel. In a unique way, we want to share the love of Jesus with the lost in our community.

The Living Christmas Tree is a musical worship experience led by the Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra of First Baptist Church. The program is different each year and features a variety of Christmas music.

Online Ordering begins Sunday, November 3, 2024. Tickets may be obtained at First Baptist Church, 305 South Perry Street, beginning Monday, December 2. 

Since no love offering is taken during the presentations, $5.00 per ticket is suggested.

Yes! Please contact Melanie Hudson at (334) 241.5150 or [email protected]. Download the group ticket request form.

The Living Christmas Tree is presented in the main sanctuary at 305 South Perry Street. First Baptist Church is a couple blocks from I-85 north on Perry Street.

There are church parking lots available on Scott and Perry Streets. In addition to our church lots, parking is available in the five-story parking deck at the corner of Lawrence and Scott Streets. Parking attendants are available to assist you. Montgomery Police are also present to coordinate traffic flow and help you safely cross the street.

Yes. Simply notify a parking attendant if you need handicapped parking. Special wheelchair seating is available in the sanctuary.

Yes! Childcare is available at all presentations for birth through 4 years old.

Doors open one hour before each presentation for ticket holders and seating is open on a first come, first serve basis. Tickets are required until 15 minutes prior to each presentation, at which time seating is open to all. There is a waiting room available for those arriving before the doors open. Greeters will be there to assist early arrivers in finding seats just before the doors open.

To offset some of the heat generated by the thousands of lights used on the tree as well as hundreds of theatrical lights, the sanctuary is made cooler than normal during the presentations. Please dress warmly!

No. We ask that there is NO flash photography during the presentation. Since this is a worship experience, a camera flash is very distracting to those around you as well as those participating. The choir and orchestra will remain in place for a few minutes following the presentation, providing an opportunity for you to make pictures.

Yes. If you would like to purchase a DVD or Audio CD of the Living Christmas Tree, click here.

For more information, contact the Living Christmas Tree ticket office at 334.241.5156 or call First Baptist Church at 334.834.6310.