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The Preschool and Children’s Choirs at First Baptist Montgomery are staffed by talented spiritual leaders who are committed to sharing God’s love with every child as we model for them the praise and worship of God through His gift of music. The children will enjoy scripture and hymn memory, exploring musical instruments, music fundamentals and opportunities to lead in worship, led by a loving and creative team of individuals who love children and love the Lord.

6:00 to 6:45 PM

Preschool Choirs

3 Year Olds
Room: B109
Director: Sarah Hall
4 Year Olds
Room: B104
Directors: Kathy Shirley + Paige King
5 Year Olds
Room: B108
Directors: Susan Campbell

Children’s Choirs

1st + 2nd Grades
Room: B314
Director: Laura Spivey
3rd-6th Grade
Room: A311
Director: Sharon Cleveland + Jenny Renner 

2024/2025 Calendar

August 14
Kick-off for Preschool & Children’s Choirs
October 27
Children’s Honor Choir Auditions (4th-6th grades)
November 27  |  Thanksgiving

No PM Activities

December 4
Preschool & Children’s Choirs Sound Check
Main Sanctuary
December 8
Preschool & Children’s Choirs
Christmas Program
6:15 PM  | Main Sanctuary
January 8
Preschool & Children’s Choirs Resume
February 23
Child-led Worship Service
6:15 PM  |  Main Sanctuary
March 19  |  Spring Break
No PM Activities
April 13  |  Palm Sunday
Children’s Choirs Singing in AM Worship
April 16  |  Easter Week
No Music Activities
Passion Service at 6:15 PM  |  Main Sanctuary
April 25
Older Children’s Choir Mock Lock-In
5:00 to 10:00 PM
April 30
Last Day of Children’s Choir
May 4
Preschool & Children’s Choirs
Spring Program
6:15 PM  |  Main Sanctuary

Preschool + Children's Choirs Contacts

Church Pianist / Director of Children's Choirs / Handbell Director

Jenny Renner

Church Pianist / Director of Children's Choirs / Handbell Director

Jenny Renner