AAEO // Day 8

United in Prayer Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email “We had been asking people to pray for quite some time for someone to reach the Arabic-speaking population in our area,” said Cincinnati area pastor Travis Smalley. God sent church planters Amer and Vicky Safadi, and now Arabic speaking people in Cincinnati, and […]
AAEO // Day 7

Amer & Vicky Safadi: The Gospel in Their Heart Language Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Amer and Vicki Safadi weren’t sure at first that Cincinnati was where God wanted them to plant a church. They’d been there before, just after leaving the Middle East, and it hadn’t been easy. But then […]
AAEO // Day 6

Brianna McKinney: Showing Love to a Lonely City Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Brianna McKinney says for many people Denver is a lonely place. For community, they might go to a coffee shop where they’re surrounded by others — but they’re still alone. And the chances are slim the gospel will […]
AAEO // Day 5

Steven & Cindy Martins: Seeing the Gospel Move House by House Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email In the past couple of years, Steven and Cindy Martins have become good at inviting themselves to other people’s houses. They’ve got thousands more they want to visit, but that number is getting smaller. In […]
AAEO // Day 4

Jared & Jennifer Huntley: Deployed for Christ Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Jared and Jennifer Huntley had a heart for military personnel long before they launched Pillar Church of Washington, D.C. Jared had served in the Army and knows firsthand how difficult it can be to navigate the unique challenges of […]
AAEO // Day 3

Itamar Elizalde: New Hope in the Wake of Storms Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Itamar Elizalde says Puerto Rico is an island that just can’t catch a break. In the past seven years, it’s faced an economic crisis, two major hurricanes, a political scandal, six weeks of non-stop earthquakes and the […]
AAEO // Day 2

Michael & Traci Byrd: Serving the Abandoned Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email More than a decade ago, Michael and Traci Byrd moved out of a rough inner-city neighborhood of St. Louis, swearing they’d never go back. But God called them to return and plant Faith Community Bible Church. Their mission is […]
AAEO // Day 1

United to Reach the Nations in our Neighborhoods Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email 275 million people are estimated lost in North America. That’s men, women, young adults and children. Among that population is more than 40 million people living in the United States who were born in another country. That’s about […]
Worship | October 17, 2021

Worship | October 17, 2021 On Sunday, we had another PARTY ON PERRY STREET! On this cool, brisk morning, our FBC family came out for fellowship complete with coffee and donuts. Our worship was powerful with our children reminding us to be “Be Strong in the Lord,” Quincy Jones singing The Lord’s Prayer; and a […]