3,0The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (AAEO) is the primary way we support mission efforts in North America. One hundred percent of gifts given to AAEO are used to support more than 3,000 missionary families serving across the United States and Canada.
Estimated lost:
286 Million
NAMB and Southern Baptists came together to add:
840 New Congregations
in 2023
And since 2010,
have planted more than
11,000 churches
across North America
Provo, Utah is, according to David Gaskins, “the heartbeat and hub of the Mormon church.” And yet, in what might be the most unchurched city in North America, where evangelicals make up only 0.5% of the population, David and his wife Sara have helped start a church that’s now sharing the true gospel with people who desperately need to know the story of Jesus.
It wasn’t that long ago that Leo and Miosha Robinson’s Flint, Michigan neighborhood had almost no gospel witness and absolutely no laundromats. Those two seemingly unrelated things came together when Leo and Miosha planted Good Church and then started Good Laundry. Now, in a community that was once 80% unchurched, they’re meeting a physical need, building witnessing relationships, baptizing new believers, and seeing God change lives.
After serving as an active-duty Marine for 20 years, Joshua Brown knows what it means to be sent. So, there might not be anyone better suited to plant a church outside Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune than Joshua and his wife Brittany. When military families here meet Christ, get discipled, and then are deployed or reassigned, they’re able to take the gospel to places many people will never be able to go.
The separation, the worry, the what-feels-like-single-parenting—Brittany Brown knows what it’s like to be married to the military. She and her husband Joshua, who was an active-duty Marine for 20 years, are now church planting missionaries in Sneads Ferry, North Carolina. In the church they planted just outside Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, Brittany’s past experience uniquely equips her to share the gospel with military wives.
Christian and Laura Rowland were understandably nervous when they left their home in Texas and moved to Canada to plant a church in the Vancouver suburb of Langley. After all, they knew no one there. But now that they’ve planted New Song Community Church in a community that until recently, had almost no gospel witness, they can look back and realize how God used everything in their lives to perfectly prepare them for the work he called them to do.
For Osvaldo and Vanessa Lerma, location is everything. The Lermas serve at the Send Relief Ministry Center in Laredo, Texas, just a few miles from one of the busiest international border crossings in the world. They minister alongside volunteer mission teams, showing them how to meet physical needs and share gospel hope with refugees who are legally entering the U.S. to seek asylum. Lessons learned here provide teams with tools they can use to make Jesus known in their own communities.
There are 203 cities and towns in Wyoming. More than 60 don’t have a church of any kind. That’s why Tyler Martin is training men how to make Jesus known in Wyoming’s unreached places. Tyler and his wife Ashley planted Outfitter Church in Bar Nunn, Wyoming, just a few years ago. Now, Tyler says the planters who’ll one day take the gospel to all those other Wyoming towns will come from churches like Outfitter.
Choices for meeting space are limited in Bar Nunn, Wyoming. That’s why Tyler and Ashley Martin ended up planting a church at the Hangar Bar and Grill. As it turns out, that was the perfect place to draw in people like Trent Fetherston, a self-described “wild dude” who’d been “kicked out of every bar in town.” Trent knew all about the Hangar. But he knew nothing about Jesus until he showed up at what is now Outfitter Church.
Every gift to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering – 100 percent – goes to train, resource and send thousands of missionaries involved in church planting and compassion ministries across the United States, Canada and their territories. Our partnership with Southern Baptist Convention churches and individuals makes this work possible